About Us

Touche Airbrush is an individual project that has grown from our larger project Artist Supply Source which is, in turn, a part of S3 Stores Inc. Back in 2005, it started as a small family business in selling professional quality art brushes. Now S3 Stores Inc. already comprises 20 online shops specializing in arts, music, education, toys, and many more product lines. We have noticed that among them airbrush products are in particular demand. And we were like ‘hey, we know we can do more about this’ as we already have enough knowledge and experience in this area. That’s why recently, we’ve decided to separate airbrush supplies into their own online shop. And because there are too many items we want to share and tell you about.
Mission statement
Within this store, our mission is to supply customers with the most popular and advanced technical solutions in paint spraying and airbrush painting at the optimal price.
What we want is to make customers feel confident about online purchases. To do so our team works to provide customers with only high-quality products from the best-known brands in the US and Canada and ensure efficient customer support. Also, we are an authorized dealer of all product lines offered in our stores. So you can be sure to receive products with manufacturer warranties.
What drives us is our desire to build a strong open platform where users and, of course, our regular customers could
- find all the necessary information on their tools, maintenance, news in the airbrush industry,
- learn from one another their helpful skills and hacks, and
- buy exactly those products they need.
Who we are
Despite the fact that our stores are large enough a small group of people is involved in their development. Because we believe that whatever the size of a store only a tight-knit team like ours is able to create a good online shop that would be really useful and convenient for clients. We like the idea of providing beneficial services to our customers and introducing new features to our online stores. All that allow us to enhance your shopping experience.
Since 2005, our customer service specialists have processed hundreds of thousands of orders from more than 80 000 buyers all over the world. Thank you for your continued support!
In this section, we’ve selected the best cheap airbrush products for you to make it easier to choose top-rated equipment and accessories at Touche Airbrush.
Although a choice of airbrush supplies may depend on many factors including user’s experience we’ve tried to put them all in one place and identify some general rules that can help you come to a quick and smart decision.
6-point checklist for buying the best cheap airbrush kits and supplies
Volume of job you want to accomplish with spraying equipment
This concerns not only the volume of mediums you need to buy but also spraying tools themselves. If your task is to apply an undercoating or cover a large surface with paint your choice should probably be in favor of spray guns rather than of airbrushes. To learn more about the difference between these devices, read our buying guide on Spray Guns.
Efficiency and durability
Make sure the chosen tool can deliver enough power to cope with the job. The higher pressure you need for the job, the more efficient and durable must be your tool. A high-pressure level ensures fine atomization and, hence, provides smooth, thin, and uniform spray pattern that a low pressure cannot give. In this terms, it is also important to note here that coating may depend on a medium. If it has a high viscosity you will need to apply a high level of pressure. Moreover, you need to understand that using such mediums you won’t get the same spray patterns as with low-viscosity fluids.
You need to decide on the mobility of your airbrush equipment and accessories. Especially this refers to air compressors. Are you going to move it around or use as a stationary system? If you want to use them in multiple places, take into account the weight of items.
Here’s an easy point. Just pick out products you can handle. Too complicated devices hardly can make your job enjoyable. So by choosing items, be sure you can manage them. At the same time, you need to realize whether you have enough experience in this sphere. If not, why not choose a ready-to-use airbrush kit? We have a nice selection of them and there you can surely find the best cheap airbrush kit to make a start.
Room to work
How much space do you have for this job? Do you have a spacious working area or maybe your own art studio? Then you may want to choose devices allowing for free movement. Take note of a hose length of the device or get a hose that won’t hamper your job. In case you have a limited working space and/or it is maybe poorly ventilated we recommend that you take a look at our Airbrush Spray Booths. They allow not only for compact workspace but also for efficient and safe spraying.
At Touche Airbrush, we offer a wide variety of best cheap airbrush systems and sets for sale. So, here we’ve picked out several airbrush supplies that have optimal feature-combination which is why they become so popular with our customers.